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H2O Designs

Pond Liner, Pumps, Filters & Installation Supplies

Serving Lexington & Central Kentucky & Surrounding Areas

10 Greystone Dr, Nicholasville, KY 40356

Pond Supplies

H2O Designs

Kentucky's Water Garden Resource

H2O Designs - Most water gardeners, in the Lexington & Central Kentucky area, are aware of the importance good quality water plays in a pond habitat. Not knowing how to get or keep water quality can prove challenging to some pond owners.

Pond filtration is one of the most important components in maintaining a healthy and balanced ecosystem. Quality filtration equipment is necessary to maintain optimum water quality. Aquascape offers a wide selection of premium pond filtration products to suit any budget or water garden.

Our Reviews


Aquascape LED Lighting System

Why LED lighting? A popular question from our Lexington & Central Kentucky area, homeowners is why should we use LED Lighting? LED Landscape Lighting only uses about 25% of the energy of a typical Landscape lighting system. This energy savings over a long period can be substantial. Also LED lights have a very long lamp life, up to 30-40,000 hours plus. That’s more than 10 times the lamp life of typical bulbs used in outdoor lighting systems. That translates to almost 22 years at 5 hours per day…..WOW!….. Other benefits are LED lights produce much lower heat, use less cable and smaller transformers. All this translates to big savings every year in energy and maintenance cost compared to the traditional 12 volt outdoor lighting system.

Our Services

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H2O Designs Inc.

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