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Aquatic Pond Plant Supplies

​Aquatic Plants & Plant Supplies For Backyard Ponds & Water Features

Aquatic Plants are Mother Nature’s true filters.

Plants are great for adding character to a pond by providing color and texture, but from a filtration perspective, they’re second to none. Thriving from the excess nutrients in a pond and depriving algae of its food source, the aquatic plants in a water garden, given proper coverage, are critical for the overall health of the ecosystem. Having a quality local resource to purchase Aquatic Pond Plants is a pond Owners dream…

Aquatic Plants Are Key For A Natural Looking Pond Or Water Garden

Most aquatic plants grow aggressively, and throughout last summer and fall your plants may have grown beyond the limits of their containers. Overgrown plants will gradually decline, and may eventually choke themselves to death.
​Repotting plants is easy and can be quite rewarding. By providing your plants room to grow, they will absorb more food from the natural nutrients in the pond and the fertilizers you provide. They will also grow lush and reward you with more blooms.

Tips For Succeeding With Aquatic Plants

In Your Pond Or Water Garden

1. Include a minimum number of plants for your pond.

We recommend a minimum of 40-50% of the surface area of your pond covered with plants. This can be accomplished with shallow bog plants, waterlilies, floating plants, or any combination thereof. Plant cover helps shade the water keeping it cool for the fish and slowing the growth of algae. In addition, the coverage of plants provides the pond fish with a safe place to hide from predators. Additionally, plants make it possible to blend your waterfalls & Stream in with existing landscaping.

2. We suggest using aquatic plants to help naturally filter the water in your pond.

Plants absorb nitrates and phosphates that would otherwise encourage and contribute to algae growth. Generally speaking, the more plants you have, the less algae-related maintenance will be required. The esthetic beauty of plants in your water garden speaks for itself, large lush foliage and fragrant flowers add to the visual beauty. Adding tropical plants allows for addition of new plant types each year when they die off at the end of the season.

​3. Prune plants to keep them from overtaking the pond.

If your pond looks like it’s being suffocated by plants, it’s time to do a little pruning to regain a balanced look. Aquatic plants are usually very easy to divide, but each different type has its own requirements. Invest in a good aquatic plant book and you’ll have all the information you need. When you’re finished dividing them, you will likely have some extra [plants that you can use to decorate a less crowded section of the pond, or you can share them with your water gardening friends.

4. Add marginal plants for a natural look.

When you look at ponds out in the wild you’ll see Mother Nature has incorporated a variety of plants around the edges. Be sure to include marginal aquatic plants in your ecosystem pond to help soften the edges and make your pond blend in with the surrounding landscape. Plant your marginal close to the edge, or even between the rocks surrounding the pond. You’ll be rewarded with a more natural-looking pond.

Experience The Difference That Aquatic Plants Can Make In Your Pond Or Water Garden


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